Data Annotations and validation in ASP.NET MVC

In any type of application user input validation is most important if it fails your all over application is fails. So Web Developer has to firstly think on the validation for their application.

Not only client side validation important, but also server side validation is more important for highly secure data.

When you are developing application in MVC you can add validation when assigning value to properties in model. In MVC data annotation is useful for validating fields by using specifying attributes on the each field.

Below are some data annotation attributes:


This attribute is used for mandatory fields.

    public class Employee
        public string FirstName

        public string LastName

When you decorate field as “Required” it means it is mandatory. You can also specify error message for the validation. When Validation fails this message is display to the user.

public class Employee
        [Required(ErrorMessage="Firstname is mandatory")]
        public string FirstName

If you not provide any message it display message as “Firstname is required”.


If you have one textbox and you want to add validation on the user input length you can use this attribute like below:

    public class Employee
        [Required(ErrorMessage="Firstname is mandatory")]
        [StringLength(50,ErrorMessage="Firstname length cannot greater than 50 characters")]
        public string FirstName

In the above code “FirstName” only accept for 50 characters else it gives error message specified in the attribute.


You can add validation by using regular expression. If there is condition that firstname only accept characters, in this case you can use this attribute like below:

public class Employee
        [RegularExpression(@"^[a-zA-Z]+$",ErrorMessage="Only characters allowed in firstname")]
        public string FirstName


This attribute specifies minimum and maximum length for the numerical fields. Let’s take example of age, in age field we are not allow to enter age more than 100 and not below 0 see below code, how to add attribute for this condition:

    Public class Employee
        [Required(ErrorMessage="Firstname is mandatory")]
        [RegularExpression(@"^[a-zA-Z]+$",ErrorMessage="Only characters allowed in firstname")]
        public string FirstName

        [Range(1,100,ErrorMessage="Age must be between 1 to 100")]
        public int Age


This attribute are used for matching two values in the same model by passing name of field with we want to compare. In many cases we compare password with confirm password for this purpose we can use this attribute.

    public class ChangePasswordModel
        [Display(Name = "Current password")]
        public string OldPassword { get; set; }

        [StringLength(100, ErrorMessage = "The {0} must be at least {2} characters long.", MinimumLength = 6)]
        [Display(Name = "New password")]
        public string NewPassword { get; set; }

        [Display(Name = "Confirm new password")]
        [Compare("NewPassword", ErrorMessage = "The new password and confirmation password do not match.")]
        public string ConfirmPassword { get; set; }

See the above code where we added Compare attribute above the ConfirmPassword field. In the first parameter we have mention the name of the field with whom we want to compare this field that is “NewPassword”.

Below are some another Data Annotation attributes we can specify:

1. DataType :

This attribute are decorate to field for specifying which type of data it will accept if we are assigning to the property. Simply we can set the datatype of the property. For the Password field we can set datatype as a password.

Below DataType are supported in this attribute
1.       Currency
2.       Date
3.       DateTime
4.       Duration
5.       EmailAddress
6.       Html
7.       ImageURI
8.       PhoneNumber
9.       Password
10.   MultilineText
11.   Text
12.   URl

2. Display:

This Field used for display text for the textbox. Means which type of text you have to enter in the textbox or any other control.

When you create the form using this model it shows the text as label for the textbox.

public class Employee
        [Display("First Name")]
        public string FirstName

        [Range(1,100,ErrorMessage="Age must be between 1 to 100")]
        public int Age

See below link for related articles

1.       Getting Started with MVC

2.      ViewBag, ViewData and TempData

3.       Folder Structure In MVC

4.       MVC Architecture Theory

5.       Data Annotations and Validations in MVC

6.       MVC Architecture: Traditional Routes

7.       MVC Architecture: Attribute based Routing

8.       Bundling and Minification in MVC

9.       AutoComplete in MVC


10.       Adding Controller, Model and Views


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